Minimum Subscription Period

For Woocommerce Subscription and Easy Digital Downloads Recurring Payment. Set up a minimum period during which your customers won’t be able to cancel their subscription.

Latest Update: June 2020

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Get a better control over your subscriptions

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Set up a minimum commitment period

Enforce a minimum subscription term (fixed number of successful payments) before authorising your customers to cancel their subscription.

You can prevent your customer from cancelling, suspending and/or downgrading their subscription during the minimum period.


Set up a cooling-off period

Give your customers the opportunity to change their mind and cancel at the beginning of their subscriptions. During the cooling-off period, your customer will be able to cancel from their account.

Don't need a cooling off period? Simply leave it empty!

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Compatible with WooCommerce & EDD

Set up a minimum subscription period for all your subscriptions in Easy Digital Downloads Recurring Payment plugins, WooCommerce Subscriptions (simple & variables), WooCommerce all products for subscriptions.


Example of use

If you have a monthly subscription product (like a magazine, subscription box, or course), you may want your customer to pay month-to-month, but want them to commit for at least 6 months.

With our plugin you can simply set the minimum period to 6 months and your customers won't be able to cancel their subscription on your website for the first 6 months.

How it works for your customer

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Phase 1 - What happens during the cooling-off period

If you haven't set up a cooling-off period then directly jump over to Phase 2.

If you've set up a cooling-off period, it will start from the day your customer make their first payment. Your customer will enjoy the benefits of the subscription and pay the fee period by period.

The cancel, suspend and downgrade buttons will be visible in their account, allowing them to change their mind at any time during the cooling-off period.

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Phase 2 - What happens during the commitment period

If you have set up a minimum subcription period then the cancellation, suspension and /or downgrading functions are disabled on your customer's account. Your customer will enjoy the benefits of the subscription and pay their subscription fee period by period.

Your customer won't be able to cancel, suspend and/or downgrade from their account page until the end of the commitment period.

You can either choose to hide the cancel button or replace it by a custom message explaining to your customer when they'll be able to cancel.

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Phase 3 - What happens after the minimum terms

After your customer has completed the minimum period, they will still be subscribed and still pay their subscription fee period by period.

The cancel button will re-appear in their account page, allowing them to stop their subscription whenever they want.

Secure your subscription profit

  • Asset 11

    Minimum payment guaranteed

    Set up the minimum period by subscription. It's a simple field to fill with the number of minimum payments you want to collect from your customer before they are allowed to cancel their subscription.

  • Asset 12

    Choose the ideal recurring period

    You can make your customers pay monthly, weekly or daily depending on what is most convenient for your service or product. You'll still be able to make sure to get the minimum amount, by setting a minimum period to your subscription.

  • Asset 13

    No more high setup fees

    Without a minimum period, you'd have to set up a large setup-fee to get the minimum payment desired. This high upfront cost will likely scare customers away. With a minimum period, you can split the cost period-by-period while still making sure you get your minimum amount!

Perfect for businesses such as


Minimum Subscription Period

Perfect for:

  • WooCommerce Subscriptions
  • WooCommerce All Products for Subscriptions
  • EDD Subscriptions


  • Minimum Subscription Period WordPress Plugin
  • 1 year license for expert support & plugin updates
  • Compatible with the latest WordPress Updates
Prices are listed in USD. Licenses are automatically renewed annually. You can cancel at any time. You'll still be able to use the plugin after your license expires, however you won't receive any new updates, features or support.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, each renewable product has their own fields when you can set up a different minimum period.

No they won't be able to cancel their subscription from their account on your site. Cancelling won't be possible during the minimum terms you set up.

However our plugin can't prevent customers from cancelling their card with their bank.

You have the opportunity to explain it to your customer via our 'Cancel message' feature. This message will replace the cancel button until your customer has completed the commitment period.

Yes, each variation can have their own minimum period.

Yes, we’ll do our very best to help resolve any issues you encounter. We’re committed to helping you succeed with our products.

Yes, each licence allows the use of a development install for local and staging sites.

We use PayPal and Stripe to process payments. They accept debit, Visa, Master and America Express. Your credit card information is not stored on our site.

We’ve developed and tested our plugins with a wide variety of free and premium themes and are confident it will look great with your theme.

Our plugin is compatible with EDD recurring period, WooCommerce Subscriptions and WooCommerce all products for Subscriptions.

Absolutely not. You can create and manage your minimum terms without any coding knowledge. Minimum Subscription Period is designed to be beginner friendly so anyone can use it.

We're here to help. Feel free to contact us on our awesome support system.